Entertain your Protection Dog with… Bones?
Dogs may be man’s best friend, but they can also be our greatest protectors. Having personal protection dogs or guard dogs is like having a companion that is well trained to keep you and your family safe. They provide you with peace of mind and comfort, only asking in return that you keep their mind and bodies healthy – and give them plenty of love! One of the best ways you can do all of this at once is to give your furry protector a healthy, recreational bone to chew on. If you are looking for personal protection dogs for sale, you first need to consider that any pet has its own set of needs. Recreational bones are a great way to fulfill some – yet not all – of these important essentials.
Along with a proper diet and exercise, bones can give dogs additional nutrition and a different type of muscle-building. In fact, edible bones should be included in a healthy dog’s diet for their nutrients: calcium and phosphorous. Chewing on a bone benefits the neck and spine of protection dogs, promoting their overall health and well-being.
Bones can also help your protection dog have healthier teeth – which means better breath! Recreational bones, or bigger ones filled with marrow, provide the most dental health as any attached meat or cartilage will work just like a toothbrush, breaking down tartar and preventing gum disease. Last, a dog that has a big juicy bone to chew on all day is similar to a person with a great movie or book. It provides mental activity, which is especially important for animals whose other options consist of lounging or napping.
Most importantly, choosing the right bone for your dog is crucial. The goal is not to give your loving and helpful protection dog a trip to the emergency vet for a chipped tooth or digestive issues. You just want to give him a fun activity. There are reasons that different bones are right for some dogs and wrong for others, along with a few other safety measures to take.

Bone Type

There are a few rules to follow for giving your protection dog the recreational bone that he loves, but first, you’ll have to understand the benefits of the different types. Recreational bones are those which are larger, typically from beef or bison, and are categorized into long bones and flat bones. These differentiate from edible bones, such as chicken or turkey, which can often be eaten but are not typically used as an activity.

Long bones

These are the bones found in the legs and wings of an animal – and have the typical, cartoony shape you are probably imagining: a cylindrical-type tube with two knobs on each end. Being from legs and wings, these are more weight-bearing. They contain more marrow, have soft and cartilage-filled ends, and a hard yet smooth surface in the middle.

Flat Bones

Flat Bones look much different than long bones. You will find these in the areas such as the ribs, shoulders, pelvis, or spinal column. They do contain less marrow, and the surfaces are more uneven.

Long Bones vs. Flat Bones

Each type of Recreational Bones has its advantage. Here are a few key strengths to look for:

Flat bones are Softer

This makes them easier to chomp down on and makes them less dangerous to the teeth

Flat Bones have Uneven Surfaces

The rippled surfaces effectively conceal the desired parts of the bone, such as the meat or cartilage, prolonging its lifespan.

Flat Bones contain Less Marrow

Yes, this may mean a reduction in flavor; but, dogs aren’t getting much from marrow in the way of nutrients. What they can get from the marrow is loose stools, due to their richness and fat. This is not always the case – you will typically see it in dogs who eat too many bones, or are new to them.

Long Bones have Soft Ends and More Cartilage

These characteristics of long bones serve as both advantages and disadvantages. The cartilage will be a bonus for the dog; but, if he is too aggressive then too much cartilage will lead to blockage.


1. Keep an eye out for blockage and other digestive issues.

This one is a biggie because there are many signs to look for, but also many ways to prevent these issues. As we mentioned, too much cartilage can lead to blockage. Avoid these bones if your protection dog is an aggressive chewer, and watch out for bloating or failed attempts at bowel movements or vomiting. Also, constipation can present itself as discolored stools (white or yellow), either powdery or runny. Simply reduce the bone intake altogether and add more meat to the diet in the following days. Conversely, watch out for loose stools and follow the tips on reducing cartilage or bones altogether.

2. No cooked bones!

We cannot overstress this! No dog should be chewing or consuming cooked bones. In cooking, the bone hardens, and your canine friend will surely be left with a chipped or broken tooth.

3. Throw bones away after a few days

The bones will dry out after a few days. If you notice it has become brittle, be sure to throw it away to avoid a cracked tooth.

4. Avoid toxins

Bones from older animals will likely contain toxins, and probably pollutants as well. Opt for bones from younger, organically raised animals to prevent harmful substances from affecting your dog’s health.

5. Choose the right size for your protection dog

You want to choose a bone that is size-appropriate for your dog to chew on – it must be large enough for him to strip the meat off of but not so large that he eats the bone (or can’t chew it at all!). Beef, bison, and moose bones are great for large dogs, including the neck, rib, and pelvic bones of cows in particular. For smaller dogs, treat them with pig, goats, and deer bones. As an added note, there are many places besides the pet store to get bones for your dogs! With these recommendations, you can now confidently go into a butcher, grocer, or even an ethnic market to get them. Many of these places simply dispose of the bones or charge a small fee – just stop in and ask!
By providing instinctual activities, you meet the needs of your protection dog, ensuring their fulfillment at the day’s end. Recreational bones give dogs the feeling that they still have hunted their meal as they would have in the wild. This gives your dog a feeling of accomplishment, not to mention a full belly! After that, he’ll be happy and sleepy – what better way to pay your protection dog back for all that he does for you? If you don’t have one yet. There are countless personal protection dogs for sale just waiting for a caring family that they can love and guard.

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