5 Steps to Your Dog’s Best Health in 1 Year

If you offer personal protection dogs for sale, you want to make sure that you are offering the best and healthiest dogs. And, you know that safeguarding their health will ensure that they live a healthy and long life as possible. What would you be willing to do to keep them healthy? Would you change their diet? Would you research the best medical treatments? There are a few things you can do to develop a routine of natural health for your protection dogs to ensure the best health. Here are five things that you can do to keep your personal protection dogs in top form.

Give Your Dog a Natural Diet: 

Most dog foods are pretty heavy on starch and highly processed grains. They are cheap, they create bulk and they help to keep the other ingredients in the food together. Somewhere between 30% and 60% of your dogs, food is made from this kind of starch. Unfortunately, those starchy processed grains are not the best thing for your dog. Here’s why.

Dog a Natural Diet | Pinnacle Protection Dog

  1. Mycotoxins are a by-product of mold that can taint certain crops at any point in time from before the harvest until after they have been processed. These mycotoxins can be damaging to dogs and can even cause cancer. It may, then, be quite shocking to learn that a 2015 study in Animal Feed Science and Technology found that almost all pet foods from low-end to high-end were contaminated with mycotoxins.
  2. Many of the ingredients in pet foods also disrupt the absorption of vitamins and nutrients.
  3. A large number of starchy foods in a dog’s diet can lead to weight gain and insulin resistance which can further lead to diabetes.

What your protection dog really needs are natural and preferably raw foods to get the nutrients he needs. His optimum health like yours requires whole foods with complete nutrients that are absent of contamination. The best way for him to get that is to avoid most store-bought pet foods.

Exchange Your Dog Chemical Dewormers With Herbal Ones: 

Parasites are sometimes just a part of life for your pets. This can happen if they come to consume a wild creature like a bird or a mouse or even (Yuck!) the fecal matter of another animal. When you discover that your pet has a parasite infestation, you may take him to the vet. You may also be able to purchase deworming medications over the counter in a pet store or the pet section of a local department store. Those dewormers are not good for your protection dog, however. While they may take care of his parasite problem, they can also have serious side effects which include vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, depression, and even death. Try one of the following herbs instead.

  1. Chamomile- Given as a glycerin tincture you should give your dog ¼ to ½ ml per 20 pounds of body weight every day. You can add it to his water or just give it to him directly.
  2. Oregon Grape- This can also be given as a tincture. Give him 12 drops per 20 pounds of body weight. A note of caution: do not give this to dogs who are pregnant or have liver problems.
  3. Diatomaceous Earth- Make sure to get the food-grade version of this product. Give smaller dogs 1 teaspoon of this product daily. For protection dogs that are 55 pounds or more 1 tablespoon per day. Mix this well into his food as inhaling it can cause lung problems.

Add Healthy Oils to Your Dog’s Diet: 

Your dog needs fats in his diet to assist in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, build cell membranes, help regulate hormones, and give your protection dog energy. Usually, when you think of giving healthy oils to your dog, most people think of fish oil. Fish oil is actually not the best thing for your dog. It can become rancid and encourage inflammation and disease. It can also contain toxins from pollutants in the bodies of water from which the fish were harvested.

Add Healthy Oils to Your Dog's Diet | Pinnacle Protection Dogs

Hemp oil is a good source of Omega-3. Give him 1 teaspoon for every pound of food you give him daily, provided you are feeding him ruminant animals like beef or lamb. Do not give him hemp oil, with chicken, however, as the mixture of the two can be an unsafe combination for protection dogs.

Phytoplankton is also a good source of Omega-3 as well as trace minerals and anti-oxidants.

Build Your Protection Dog’s Gut Health: 

80% of your dog’s immune system is made up of the bacteria in his gut. These bacteria also help to create vitamins and aid in digestion. The beneficial agents in his gut can be harmed by a poor diet containing things like starchy carbohydrates that are so much a part of store-bought dog foods. They can also be harmed by antibiotics, radiation, and even aging. If you want to give the beneficial bacteria a boost, you should give your dog probiotics. This could include a probiotic supplement that can be found in pet and health food stores. You might also try adding certain foods to his diet such as fermented vegetables, which benefit his gut. You could also try adding kefir or raw goat’s milk to his diet.

  1. Give your protection dog 1 tsp of fermented vegetables for every 15 pounds of body weight. Give him one teaspoon for every 30 pounds beyond 30 pounds of body weight.
  2. Give 1 ounce of raw goat’s milk for every 10 pounds of body weight.
  3. Give ¼ cup of kefir for every 25 pounds of dog.

Do Not Over Vaccinate Your Protection Dog: 

Many of the vaccines your dog gets as a puppy– which include parvovirus, distemper, and adenovirus– are usually effective for 7 to 15 years after he is vaccinated. This means that after he is vaccinated, he may be protected for most or even all of his life. If you would like to be certain that his vaccines are still protecting him, you can ask the vet for a simple blood test to check his immunity levels. Getting him vaccinated too often can lead to negative health risks such as negative reactions and side effects.

Your personal protection dogs are important. If you take good care of them, they will take good care of you. And with the best care and a solid breeding program, you can offer personal protection dogs for sale that anyone would be proud to have for their own. Consider these tips when deciding on a health plan for your dogs.

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