Personal protection dogs are tremendously special. Cherished as integral family members and beyond, the journey began with the selection of exceptional protection dog parents. The aim was to provide them with the best life possible, ensuring their ability to protect themselves and the family at all costs. You’ve made a great effort to acquire him, and you’re ready to do everything in your power to keep him strong, healthy, and happy so he can perform at his potential.

Did you know that trace minerals are vital components of human and canine nutrition? Are your protection dogs getting enough?

Trace minerals help the body perform structural and regulatory functions. So every waking second of the day, your protection dog depends on trace minerals and ionic minerals to cultivate billions of minute electrical impulses. Without them, not even the tiniest of your dog’s muscles could function!

Labeled as ‘trace’ minerals due to their essential nature in minute quantities, these elements coincide with the basic elements studied in chemistry class. So abundantly present in various animal and plant foods, their significance lies in their contribution to overall health.

Let’s delve deeper into exactly what trace minerals do and which elements they are: They partner closely with macro minerals like phosphorus and calcium in the body. Without them, the macrominerals would run around like chickens with their heads cut off with no idea what to do. Here is the lineup of what each trace mineral does for your personal protection dogs:

1. Iron

Iron oxygenates muscles and organs and is therefore vital for all bodily functions.

2. Selenium

An antioxidant, selenium minimizes or prevents oxidative damage, which is the cause of cancer, inflammatory diseases, and premature aging.

3. Zinc

Zinc supercharges the immune system and enhances the quality of fur and skin.

4. Copper

While copper aids in iron absorption, which is needed to synthesize melanin and prevent anemia.

5. Manganese

Manganese is necessary for thyroid hormone production and bone growth. So it enhances cartilage and bone quality and also aids in mitochondrial function.

On the other hand, it is possible to tell when a protection dog is deficient in trace minerals. Here are some symptoms to watch for:

1. Iron deficiency may lead to anemia and/or poor growth.
2. Selenium deficiency may be indicated by muscle cramping, low tolerance to stress, and/or poor immunity.
3. Zinc deficiency may appear in bone and joint issues, fertility problems, and/or trouble healing wounds.
4. Copper deficiency may be implied by poor coat color, tendon and ligament issues, and/or bone and joint disease.
5. Manganese deficiency may lead to poor growth and/or anemia.

Now that we have established the vital nature of trace minerals, where can we get them?
This question has both a long and a short answer. The short answer is: Feed a balanced raw diet and the most complete nutritional plan possible.

Alright, now for the long answer: Variety is key. The quality of the source can also affect the number of trace minerals contained in it. Turkey, chicken, and spinach contain lots of zinc. Beef, sardines, and halibut are chock full of selenium. Kale and broccoli are great sources of iron. Manganese is abundant in eggs, pumpkin seeds, and rabbits. We can’t emphasize organ meats enough! They’re like superfoods for personal protection dogs due to their high levels of trace minerals, minerals, and vitamins. An ideal raw diet consists of 10-15% organ meat sourced from everything from the liver, kidney, lungs, skin, eyes, pancreas, and more. Herbs are also wonderful sources of trace minerals. Manganese, zinc, and selenium abound in chamomile, catnip, alfalfa, and burdock root. So find copper in sheep sorrel and iron in fennel seed.

Take caution with kibble! This highlights another case of misinformation, stretched truths, and distortion in the information printed on the bag. The processing and deconstruction of essential nutrients during kibble production often result in the obliteration of most nutritious substances, with synthetic versions being added back in. Synthetic versions of trace minerals and vital nutrients do not equate. Essential manganese is lost in the kibble-making process through cooking, and a subpar substitute, manganese oxide, is later incorporated to meet marketing claims. Picture trying to fulfill your daily copper intake by consuming a penny—highly unlikely!

There are also a couple of things to be aware of even when feeding the most ideal of raw diets to personal protection dogs for sale and in homes:

1. Soil Depletion

As farming practices have shifted to prioritize economic gains over sustainable agriculture, the current state of soil differs significantly from its historical condition. In the past, crops were rotated seasonally, ensuring a balanced and diverse environment for the soil. The agricultural industry unfortunately switched to a single-crop per field system that has left the very soil we grow our food in crying out for rebalancing. Crops originating from depleted soil are found to be deficient in minerals, trace minerals, and nutrients, with a reduction ranging from 21-37%, as indicated by a study conducted in 2004.

2. Daily Mineral Requirements

Due to the unpredictable nature of the quality of the foods, we are sourcing from as a result of factors like soil depletion and food processing, many mindful dog guardians are choosing to add commercial supplements to their dog’s food to ensure that they are getting everything they need. So variability exists among these supplements, with some being outright rip-offs. To steer you in the right direction, here is one guideline to consider:

Chelated minerals:

These minerals, created in laboratories to deceive organisms into permitting the passage of amino acids along with attached minerals, lack substantial evidence supporting their more efficient absorption compared to non-chelated minerals.

Our personal protection dogs for sale and in homes are some of the most devoted, and promising companions around. So they are selectively bred with elevated expectations to provide exceptional qualities for their families. In turn, they deserve far more than just whatever’s on sale. Research company integrity when considering any commercial supplements, food, or treat products. Remember that the grocery store sells food– not human food, but food, and food is what we all need and thrive upon in its freshest, whole, most raw, and natural forms, full of trace minerals and other goodness.

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