Not all farms are the serene, peaceful, happy places that we want to believe they are. The economy has a strong hand in the agricultural industry and there’s are some dark things being added to our fresh foods and our dog food in the form of Glyphosate.

What is Glyphosate?

It’s a herbicide and the most popular one on earth. Commercial, non-organic farms all over the world use it because it’s patented as a broad-spectrum antibiotic and anti-parasitic to treat malaria. The infamous weed killer, called “glypho-Satan,” can cause cancer, heart disease, brain disorders, and infertility.

Prolific via the known weed-killer called Roundup and in more than 700 other agriculture, forestry, and home products, the United States uses the most glyphosate, dousing 100 million pounds of it across farms and lawns annually.

In other words, complete avoidance of glyphosate is nearly impossible for you, a human, and even more than nearly impossible for your personal protection dog food, whose bodies and mouths touch far more surfaces than ours. It’s not pretty, but we’re not hopeless either. With some awareness and knowledge, you can take some preventative measures in your lives to keep yourselves and our personal protection dogs for sale and in homes safe.

How is Glyphosate Used?

This standalone weed-killer was initially touted as being the simplest, most powerful black and white solution to any unwanted plants growing inside and in between corn, soy, and wheat rows that would potentially compete with the target crop for nutrients. “Increasing your crop yield is as easy as 1-2-3,” they said. The irony is that crop yields really have not increased much; it’s more the alluring mentality of controlling the unpredictable that keeps farmers addicted to Roundup and similar products.

Even scarier is how glyphosate is being combined with 2,4-D (Agent Orange) called “Enlist Duo.” This is sprayed on genetically modified crops like cotton, corn, and soy.

In addition to controlling any competing weeds and other plants with these chemicals, getting all the crops ready for harvest at the same time has been another unnatural goal for use of chemicals in agriculture. It’s been all about efficiency, with the sacrifice of safety and well-being. Consider how people were not gluten intolerant centuries or decades ago and yet today gluten intolerance is an epidemic. Actively respond by being mindful of the changes in wheat cultivation and genetic modification processes under chemical pressure. Prioritize the consumption of non-genetically modified crops and seek alternatives to animal products, like bones, meat, cheese, and milk, to minimize potential exposure to glyphosate contamination. Make informed choices in your dietary preferences to promote overall health and well-being.

What Does Glyphosate Do?

It kills everything! That includes microbes, fungi, and beneficial insects:
-It specifically kills plants by shikimic acid enzyme pathway inhibition. The cells cannot make the proteins necessary for growth.
-It bonds destructively with minerals like cobalt, copper, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. The plants cannot absorb these minerals from the soil. They starve and die.
-It blocks detox pathways in the liver. The liver is vital for detoxification and thus the body cannot detox itself. Imagine being unable to take out the garbage at home forever as it keeps piling and piling up.
-It kills good bacteria, which allows bad bacteria to proliferate. Good bacteria are essential for gut and immune function.
Knowing all this, it’s not at all coincidental that bacterial killers like botulism are reaching peak records on American farms in both livestock and the farmers themselves.

GMOs and Glyphosate

These two states operate in tandem. To engage with glyphosate, crops must undergo genetic modification to withstand its effects. Consider adopting alternative agricultural practices to reduce reliance on such modifications. This is what it means to be “Roundup-Ready.” Staggeringly, about 80% of crops globally are Roundup-Ready, specifically corn, soy, sugar beets, canola, and alfalfa crops. What you really need to know is that almost all of these are ingredients in commercial kibbles! Even fresh meats raised domestically to make beef, pork, and poultry products have all been born and raised on glypho-Satan.

Let’s Be Clear on the Dangers of the Global Economic Glyphosate Addiction

1. The World Health Organization declared it a “probable carcinogen” in 2010.
2. Of course, its producer Monsanto is claiming it’s completely safe, and appallingly, American government agencies are backing Monsanto fully on this count.
3. It accumulates in tissues. In other words, once the chemical is in our body, it’s there to stay, forever. There is no pooping it out or using our liver to detoxify ourselves and rid ourselves of it. There is no cleansing it. Like the plastic island in the middle of the Pacific, our bodies are being overrun by it.
4. Combat the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, obesity, infertility, cancers, inflammatory bowel disease, and brain disorders like ADHD, autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and depression, through preventive measures and a healthy lifestyle.

All of the above applies to both you and your personal protection dog! Protection dogs are often smaller than people and are proportionally ingesting just as much of the poison or more, considering they tend to eat more meat-based foods and like pollution in fish, toxicity concentration increases higher up on the food chain. Researchers Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff analyzed a number of commercial pet foods and every single one of them contained glyphosate. Add that to the fact that they’re barefoot all the time and absorbing all of the glyphosates in contaminated soil and grass! Cancer, kidney failure, liver disease, seizures and gastrointestinal disease (like bloat and irritable bowel syndrome) are the top disease killers of dogs in the United States. All of these overlap in some way with the list of human diseases connected to glyphosate.

So, What Can You Do to Actively Minimize Glypho-Satan’s Effects on your Personal Protection Dog food?

1. Obviously, don’t use Roundup or other herbicides or pesticides in your yard. At least in private areas, our personal protection dogs for sale and at home can enjoy a clean and toxin-free environment.
2.Take proactive steps by cleaning your dog food post outdoor play, especially in fields with potential chemical exposure. Steer clear of recently sprayed areas, as marked by warning signs, to ensure your pet’s well-being.
3. Politely educating your neighbors about Glyphosate and pesticides will help too. Political activities in opposition to Monsanto can affect slow but powerful changes in future policies.
4. Buy organic and GMO-free foods whenever possible. Although expensive, so are the vet bills involved with trying to save a sick protection dog’s life!
5. Say no to commercial kibbles and canned dog foods.
6. Feed your dog food fermented foods like yogurt and probiotics to help heal the gut. Take action by incorporating fulvic and humic acids, soil-based supplements, to counteract potential damage caused by glyphosate. Enhance soil health and mitigate the impact of glyphosate exposure through strategic supplementation.

It’s a bleak outlook for sure. In a way, generations of humans may need to suffer casualties before people in charge start waking up to what’s going on. Nevertheless, it is imperative for each of us to take decisive action. There are numerous proactive measures to create a safer environment for your personal protection dogs, even with just a bit more knowledge than remaining entirely uninformed on this matter.

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